Monday, April 20, 2009


Attn Friends and Family,

We no longer do the "friends and family discount" over the phone or at the hotels- you can only book it online through this site:

(I'll put it in the list of links for future reference)

Anyone that remotely knows me can use it, but there are a few restrictions:
1) These are all PREPAID NONREFUNDABLE RATES. This means if you book something YOU PAY FOR IT WHEN IT IS BOOKED and if fifi gets sick, your car breaks down, you want to stay at another hotel, etc. YOU DON'T GET THAT MONEY BACK. This is all in the site, but just wanted you all to know beforehand. You give a little, you get a little.
2) You need to book these a little in advance, each hotel is different, they usually range from 1 to 7 days.
3) You need to print out the voucher and have someone contact me so I can give you all the info you need before you arrive. Then bring the voucher at check in.

Pretty much any hotel in our family does this- but you are up against every other person who knows someone who works for our chain. So if you want something downtown Pamplona durring the running of the bulls, you might not get it because of availability. (But I would check every day or so to see if it becomes so!)

happy travels!

1 insightful musings:

Roberta said...

Oh phooey, I was so looking forward to the bulls. Love you.