Tuesday, January 15, 2008

1 Job 2 Jobs Red Jobs Blue Jobs

Darth Vader and the Ocean

This picture was from a draft I had for awhile... I couldn't resist. I wanted to include it even though it has nothing even remotely in common with anything in this post.


After a couple of weeks of job hunting and many many phone calls and resumes later, I got hired! Twice today!

One of my jobs is helping out in the kindergarten classrooms in a local elementary. I AM SO EXCITED. Finally, a chance to hang out with people on my maturity level. I have lots of experience teaching adults, but I wanted to see how I would like the kid-ohs. The Supervisor showed me the demographic of the classes in the school, and wow, it looks kinda scary. Even in the best classes, only 1/3 of the students read at grade level. There are also a lot of move-ins and outs and most of the kids are "high risk". But am really exited and hopeful about helping them, especially since they are so young and have their lives ahead of them. I'm not too worried. Besides, how could you NOT be cute when you're 5 years old?

The other job was kinda spur of the moment. I saw a sign as I was driving to the interview for the first job in a flower shop window that said you could make a butt-load of money driving around Valentine's day. So I went in and they hired me on the spot because I was 1) Breathing and 2) Had a driver's licence. Anybody who has EVER hung out with me knows I cannot find things worth a durn. Seriously. The city I've lived my whole life in is built on a grid, and I get lost regularly. I think I'll look over a map before I go. This could be interesting.
I'm also going to be helping out before then in the store, doing customer service stuff for a whoping $6 and hour.... I thought minimum wage was 6.15 at least. meh, it's only until valentine's day. I have some more interviews lined up for other jobs that aren't temporary. Plus, I've always wanted to see what it was like working in a flower shop. My Aunt used to run her own flower business, and it looked fun.

So school aide and flower shop... can I get any more girly?

2 insightful musings:

Roberta said...

Wow, that $6/hr sucks. But, hey, it's work and I'm proud of you for not giving up. Yay for the teaching job. That's awesome. Yeah, 5 yr olds are fun, just as long as they don't gang up on you.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'm still in the unemployment stage... gah! I hope you and the kiddos get along!