Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our Beloved Prophet

As you have probably heard, the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints passed away today. I'm really glad he can be with his family and especially with his wife, whom I know he missed very much. He will always be remembered for the temples he built, his awesome sense of humor and of course his energentic guidance of 13 million church members. We'll miss you President Hinckley!

If you'd like to know more about our church or President Hinckley, you can visit:

2 insightful musings:

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

I love to hear about the prophet from everyone! No matter whether they are members of the church or not all the comments I've heard have been full of respect and love!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mody:

yeah, such a great man, i know he missed his wife so much...

anyway... another thing I'll always remember him for: quoting love/life Walt Whitman's poetry.

yeah, this is me making my Nº957283952 weird observation

how are ya?
